We strongly encourage reservations for our performances, however you do need to arrive prior to 15 min before showtime, or it will not be held. Reservations assure you of a seat, but not necessarily a seat together, so earlier is better.

Tech Training Day

June 24th @ 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

As an aspiring theatre technician we want to ensure you have the chance to learn the skills you need to do the roles you're most interested in.  That's why we are holding a tech training day to give you hands on experience with getting involved in theatre tech.

What will we be covering

  • Proper handling of theatre lights and lighting techniques.
  • All the tech responsibilities at Centre Stage Theatre 
  • How the lighting system works
  • How the sound system works
  • The upper and lower performance centres

Please let us know if you can attend this training by completing the form below.

What are you interested in?(Required)
Choose all that apply
What's Your Experience(Required)
What's Your Show Interest(Required)